Tools to combat Spam

    Date: 10/06/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: web, spam

    Hi there. I'm hoping to get an idea about what recommendations I can get for stopping spam. Here's my idea:

    Does anyone remember Earthlink's "verify" tool? An email is sent to an address, and the sender gets a response saying something to the effect of "thank you for your email, however we must verify your identity, please click here to enter your name and a message to send to the user. If you are approved, your email will be sent."

    My hope is that I can find something that I can install on my web server, which currently has SpamAssassin, that will allow me to do this or something similar. I've surfed through and seen some info about certain tools that also help *filter* spam, but I'm hoping to find a way to, I guess, automate the administration of a whitelist of sorts.

    Any advice? I'll be x-posting this in various communities and on my personal site.

    Thanks :)


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