Programming a Tag Function

    Date: 10/10/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: programming, mysql, database, sql

    Most of us are aware of the function Live Journal has to assign "tags" to journal entries. I have also seen do this and use as a path for search and browsing (Pretty cool).

    As far as I can tell this is just a list of keywords, probably stored as a Text Blog per journal entry (Live Journal) or per image (Flicker).

    How would you go about programming a tag function? I am not looking for code, but rather logic steps.

    EDIT: BTW the database will be MySQL.

    From the initial response, I see a BLOG isnt the way to go. Also, let me give a little more detail: the function I am building will also function kinda like Live Journal's Interests where a user will list interests and then be matched up to the tags (keywords) of other database entries (not necessarily other users).


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