GD Library

    Date: 10/13/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, browser, apache

    I'm on WinXP and am trying to get the GD library to work. I got the "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreate()" message.

    From the php manual:

    On windows.

    When you get undefined function image* it means the gd library isnt being used. Check the php.ini file. Make sure the php_gd.dll isnt commented out. Restarting apache should result in the image functions working.

    The GD Library FAQ says the same thing. My extension dir is correct, and I uncomment out the required line. When I load the page in my browser I get:

    Unknown(): (null): Unable to initialize module
    Module compiled with module API=20040412, debug=0, thread-safety=1
    PHP compiled with module API=20020419, debug=0, thread-safety=1
    These options need to match

    I can't really make sense of this, and was wondering if you guys could help.


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