Working with parameters in a url string

    Date: 10/16/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, database, web

    One of the things I'm working on for my family's website is a photo album. It displays 15 thumbnails in a 3x5 table and then has links at the bottom to further pages (something I'll figure out later). The part with the thumbnails is what I'm trying to figure out right now. My current query pulls just the image url, the date, and the photoid from the database and prints each into a cell. I want to have the thumbnail linked so that it pulls up the full image, the date, the event, and a few other tidbits of information. The url for this new page would be photoalbum.php?id=324 or something like that and would have a new query where all information associated with that particular photoid is printed to the page. However, I've never dealt with passing parameters through a URL string before, and I haven't been able to find a good explanation of it, either online or in my books. What are the general guidelines for using the URL to pass parameters through a query?


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