Arrays - removing duplicating entries

    Date: 10/25/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    Whats the best the way to elliminate the duplicate array entries?

    Here's some sample data

    I am comparing positions [1] [2] [3] [4]

        [0] => Array
                [0] => effe7ec6a86cebbf6873de64ff54df36
                [ID] => effe7ec6a86cebbf6873de64ff54df36
                [1] => 15553075555
                [TagPhone] => 1555305555
                [2] => Bill
                [TagSpokenName] => Bill
                [3] => 29
                [TimeZone_ID] => 29
                [4] =>
                [TagEmail] =>
                [5] => 32
                [ACCOUNT_ID] => 32
        [1] => Array
                [0] => 0d604cf13300a5253b7a317420f63f99
                [ID] => 0d604cf13300a5253b7a317420f63f99
                [1] => 15553075555
                [TagPhone] => 155553075555
                [2] => Bill
                [TagSpokenName] => Bill
                [3] => 0
                [TimeZone_ID] => 0
                [4] =>
                [TagEmail] =>
                [5] => 32
                [ACCOUNT_ID] => 32

    Here is a solution I came up with:

    //Beginning array

    //Convert fields I want to compare to a string
    while($r < count($calllist)-2 ){
    $cltemp[$r] = $calllist[$r][1].$calllist[$r][2].$calllist[$r][3].$calllist[$r][4];

    //Get the unique rows
    $clunique = array_unique($cltemp);

    //Get the keys of the unique rows
    $uniquekeys = array_keys($clunique);

    //Use the keys to create areduced array
    //Reset the first level arrays (seems to matter later)
    foreach($uniquekeys as $key){
    $cltemp2[$r] = $calllist[$key];

    //save the result array back toi the original array so that the code
    //that follows continues to work
    $calllist = $cltemp2;


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