Hey guys, first post

    Date: 10/27/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, browser, html, web, apache

    I just wrote a script, in XHTML, from the book, saved it as predefined.php, and could not get it to show.

    The other day, I installed Apache 2.0 and PHP 5 on my computer.

    I set my Apache up at c:\Apache2 as recommended. I also set C:\php5 as recommended.
    I set up a folder at c:\webdocs, to save my files in.

    I adjusted the httpd file in apache2/apache2/conf , and set Document root to c:/webdocs and Directory to c:/webdocs.

    When I do a simple phpinfo.com script, it runs correctly.

    However, I cannot seem to get my other scripts to work. I type them up, I save them in Notepad as All Files, .php extension.
    I type it directly into my webbrowser (as with phpinfo), ala http://localhost/predefined.php , but its still not working.

    And Apache is constantly running. Its automatic.

    Am I missing something here?

    (running on XP)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/359139.html

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