sprinit Weirdness

    Date: 11/01/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, linux

    Well, I was coding a BBCode Parser (rather unconventional because the parser will allow multiple attributes to a BBCode tag like [tag attrib1="" attrib2=""]...[/tag])

    Anyway, I was coding to allow escaped characters to appear inside the attribute values and I came across this weird sprintf behaviour which I wonder if it's a PHP bug.

    PHP Code:
    ',"ABC",' style=".\"." class="class"'));

    Expected Output:

    It looks like sprintf doesn't like escaped quotes or something. If you add any character after the missing quote, it will appear but the quote will not.

    I tested this on PHP 5.0.4 on Windows and Linux. Can anyone confirm this problem?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/362176.html

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