Calculate Time Difference

    Date: 11/11/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql

    I am using this code to calculate hours:

    $hoursITEM = (strtotime($end_time) - strtotime($start_time))/3600;

    We want to use "24:00" midnight (military time)at the end of a shift. Unfortunately this results in an error.

    Whats the best way to handle this?

    Whatever I decide to do it's going to effect this MySQL query
    $Query = "SELECT invoice_number, sum(((TIME_TO_SEC(end_time) - TIME_TO_SEC(start_time))/3600) * rate) AS subtotal FROM invoice_items WHERE office_id='$office_id' AND service_type!='225' GROUP BY invoice_number ORDER BY invoice_number";

    Thanks for your help...

    [More thoughts]
    I guess we could use 00:00 and then absolute value to get rid of the negative... As long as I can do that with the Query too.

    Shoot - 00:00 is interpreted as 0... 00:00 - 06:00 = -6. For the PHP I can juggle it to work. "if "24:00" yada yada

    [After doing some test with MySQL]
    I guess I dont have to worry about MySQL, its computing:

    sum( ( TIME_TO_SEC(24:00) - TIME_TO_SEC(06:00) )/3600 )

    as 18 hours.

    I guess I can accomodate for the PHP because that part is for display on one page.

    After we can wipe out a series of bugs we are going to go back and add an end date. We just need to get this functional for the time being.


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