Request For Comments: PHP ANN goodness!!!
Date: 11/13/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: cms, php, programming, web
Hi, I am a final year degree student, reading artificial intelligence. One reference script I have written is PHP Input Filter which is now being deployed in a number of websites, including a couple of CMS.
My dissertation project has two main aims, the first is to create a flexible PHP set of classes for [data classification] ANNs. On top of this and supporting it will be a web 2.0 influenced web app to construct, test and deploy ANNs for your web development projects.
I am looking for XP-style customers to help me create and choose priorities during this academic year. This should take up a very small amount of time on a fortnightly basis. Please comment if this project interests you!
Customers do not have to know anything about the working of ANNs, you just need to know a little about their uses and that you would like to implement them but not how. My project has two focuses; the first is to develop a neural network php class and supporting classes that can create, load and save NNs and be used within other projects. The second part of the project is a supporting webb app to guide you through the entire process (although advanced ANN developers could skip this and just use the classes). The web app would initially teach you about the uses of ANNs, A non-bloated interface would allow you to construct them and test them, and finally you could either download the sourcecode and accoumpnying datafile to store on your server/db or use your account with the web app to store them on the project website and interface through web services (SOAP).
In eXtreme Programming, customers create the requirements with a simple system, they think up as many individual "things" the project should achieve and write each down as an extended sentence. These are gathered together and the most critical chosen by the customers themselves. These priorities are taken into the first interation of the project cycle. At the beginning of each 1-2 week project iteration, new priorities are chosen by the customers for the next cycle.