fopen(): SAFE MODE Restriction
Date: 11/30/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, html
I am working on a site where users will create an account, which will grant them access to a subdirectory via .htpasswd. So I made the form, found some slick code that allows a PHP script to add users to .htpasswd, got it all put together, tried it, and *crash*. I get this error: fopen(): SAFE MODE Restriction - in researching it, I find that it's because the .htpasswd file is in my client's account root, and my php script is in the public_html directory and it won't work that way. Now, I have NO clue if the .htpasswd file needs to be where it is or not. Any ideas? Also, do any of you have any ways to work around the other issue or am I SOL?
Thanks so much!