PHP Forms

    Date: 12/08/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, html, database, web

    Hi, I am sure this is really simple but I am beat and I hope someone can point me in the right direction.

    I have a php program that takes data from a form and puts it into a database. This information can then be edited with a web form as well. The data is displayed in a news page for the web site's visitors. Ok all that is easy. The part I am having a hard time with is the correct way to handle the text. I suppose essentially its like LJ but on a much smaller scale with no comments. A daily news system.

    I can use nl2br() to convert the new lines, but then in the editing window I dont want the user to see it when they are editing. The know nothing about HTML.

    Can you point me to a resource that will explain the correct procedure for handling this? Or just tell me which functions to use.

    Much thanks.


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