Date: 12/10/05
(PHP Community) Keywords: php, css, html, java
Hi guys,
I'm looking at various menu systems for a site I'm working on. I want to avoid DHTML and javascript if possible, sticking to a purely CSS model. So I saw this article ( online, and I liked the end result, but after a second look I've determined it's not what I'm after.
( is currenly offline, but the CSS menu they talk about is here: -- compare with to see how they implement the menu)
The menu on this page, while purely CSS, appears to be coded individually for each page -- that's find for a site with a limited number of pages, but not practical in terms of scalability.
What I'm looking for is a way to set one menu across all the pages on my site, and allow the users to expand the menu with a mouse-click (hover is a second acceptible (if not preferred) choice). I don't want to have to create the menu for each page that ends up being on the site.
I'm happy to use PHP to achieve this, since the site is all PHP-based to begin with.
x-posted to
_css and