$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] alternative...

    Date: 12/19/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, html, security

    This forum post got me thinking more about security. (yes, that is me with a similar question there)


    After trying the methods in this blog post got me thinking and looking for an alternative.


    So I started thinking of a safer way to accomplish the same thing. I was looking at the manual at http://php.net/ and came across $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] and did a little playing with it. I did a simple echo statement, and it returned the path for the script and nothing else, even using injection methods. Is this a good substitute for PHP_SELF? Anyone know any security issues with this superglobal? I have several scripts that use PHP_SELF, and would like a safe alternative.

    I just noticed I accidentally made this friends only post, so I removed that

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/380992.html

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