Getting Arrays in to the form I need

    Date: 12/29/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    I have two arrays

        [inv1] => Subtotal1
        [inv2] => Subtotal2
        [inv1] => Array
                [0] => ID
                [1] => DATE1
                [2] => LastName
                [3] => FirstName
        [inv2] => Array
                [0] => ID
                [1] => DATE2
                [2] => LastName
                [3] => FirstName

    that I need to get in to this form

        [0] => Array
                [ID] => Array
                        [0] => inv1
                              [0] => DATE1
                              [1] => Subtotal1
                        [1] => inv2
                              [0] => DATE2
                              [1] => Subtotal2
                        [2] => LastName
                        [3] => FirstName

    if it helps, I can change the structure of Array2. Thanks guys - I have been at this all day and cant seem to figure out how to juggle it.

    Array2 is created with this query
    SELECT invoice_main.invoice_number, invoice_main.clientid, invoice_main.due_date, clients.ClientLast, clients.ClientFirst
    FROM invoice_main
    LEFT JOIN clients ON invoice_main.office_id=clients.office_id AND invoice_main.clientid=clients.ClientID
    WHERE invoice_main.office_id='$office_id'
    ORDER BY invoice_number


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