<.!-- this is where the image to upload goes-->
Bild URL:

<.input type="text" name="bild" size="40">


<.textarea cols="50" rows="10" name="text">

Englischer Text:

<.textarea cols="50" rows="10" name="entext">

<.input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">

    File Upload

    Date: 01/13/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    I've got this small snippet for uploading an image, but it's not working. Anyone can help out? :)
    I get an error that I've got the wrong file type when I try to post something.

    <.h3>Zur Zeit im Studio - Neuer Eintrag
    <.form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <.input type="text" name="band" size="40">

$GLOBALS['UPLOAD_SIZES']['max']){return -1;}
$arrSegments = split('[.]', $strName);
$strExtension = $arrSegments[count($arrSegments) - 1];
if ($GLOBALS['UPLOAD_TYPES'][strtoupper($strExtension)] != 1) {return -2;}
return 1;}
$intResult = verify_uploaded_file(
if ($intResult != 1){
print ("

if ($intResult == -1){die ($msg_base . 'The button is too large.

elseif ($intResult == -2){die($msg_base . 'The only file types allowed are: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG.

}if (! move_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name'],
$MOVE_TO_PATH . $HTTP_POST_FILES['upload_file']['name']) ){die('You did not upload a file or the file could not be moved to ' . $MOVE_TO_PATH . $HTTP_POST_FILES['upload_file']['name']);}
$sql = "INSERT INTO table(timestamp,band,bild,text,entext) VALUES ('$timestamp','$band','$bild','$text','$entext')";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or print ("Can't insert into table .
" . $sql . "
" . mysql_error());

if ($result != false)
print "Die Band wurde gepostet!";



Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/394734.html

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