Browser problem or code problem?

    Date: 01/17/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, browser, database, sql

    Ok, so I have the following code, meant to delete a category in a script I'm working on. It takes the category ID from the $_GET array, checks the database to make sure such a category ID exists, then deletes it if true or shows an error if false.

    if ($_GET['categories'] == "deletecat") {
    if (isset($_GET['delid'])) {
    $idofd = cleaninput($_GET['delid'], 1);
    $idofd = (int)$idofd;
    $check_delete = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_cats WHERE cat_id = '" . $idofd . "' LIMIT 1", $connect));
    if (empty($check_delete)) {
    echo "

    Error: There is no category with the ID number " . $idofd . ".

    else {
    $deletecateg = mysql_query("DELETE FROM table_cats WHERE cat_id = '" . $idofd . "' LIMIT 1", $connect);
    if ($deletecateg) {
    echo "

    The category was successfully deleted.

    Go back

    else {
    echo "

    The category could not be deleted: " . mysql_error($connect) . "

    else {
    echo "

    Error: No category selected for deletion.


    When I execute this code, Firefox will always tell me that there is no category with the ID number specified, even when it does exist - however it will delete the category anyway. Opera does things correctly - a category is selected for deletion and the success message is shown.

    Is this a browser problem or a code problem? I have tried all sorts of different solutions, originally the code was as such:

    if (!empty($check_delete)) {

    // delete the category


    else {

    // display error


    However I switched it around thinking that maybe Firefox was taking too long to check the category and then finding it deleted or something like that.

    I haven't been able to test this in IE yet, but I have a feeling it might work, like it did in Opera. So... any ideas as to why it's not working in Firefox?

    Specs: PHP 5.0.5/MySQL 5.0.15 running on Windows XP (local testing server); Firefox 1.5

    Thanks in advance.

    PS: First post to this community! *Bows low*

    Edit: Solved! Firefox didn't like having a button in the form field used to get the delete ID (it's a "get" method form). Changed it to a normal link and everything now seems to be working as it should. :)


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