MySQL/PHP connection error

    Date: 02/26/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: cms, php, mysql, database, sql, hosting

    I programmed a CMS for one of my client and put it up on my own site in a test directory while it was in development. It was working just fine. They finally got their own hosting set up with Network Solutions so I uploaded all my files, set up the database and changed the username, password and db name in my scripts. Now I'm getting the following error: Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'

    I've double checked that I have the right username and the right password.

    I'm using the following code to connect: $link = mysql_connect('localhost', $user, $pass) or die("Could not connect : " . mysql_error());

    When I log into phpMyAdmin I see the following: MySQL 4.1.16-log running on localhost as eclipse@localhost so I'm assuming that 'localhost' is right. What else could be wrong? I've tried emailing tech support at Network Solutions but I doubt anyone there will get back to me. It's a pretty basic error but i can't figure out what else I would've needed to change when switching the site from my server to theirs.


« ughh. || Class or Hash? »

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