Date: 03/07/06 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php, html, web

    Hello, I guess I'll preface my question by stating that I'm as newbie as is gets with PHP. I'm going to type what I'm looking to do below and hopefully I'll be able to funnel my search towards an answer. Thanks so much ahead of time for any help any of you can give me.

    I currently write and keep a blog on and about the Boston Red Sox ( and through doing this blog I had an idea. I'd like to create and improve on a site that's similar to the below site:

    Basically what I'd like to do is subscribe to every and all Red Sox blogs and feeds (with permission of course) and have them come up linkable, with a only few sentences showing from the post, much like the feedster example above and baseballblogs one below. I'm looking to add a lot more blogs, as well as make the overall appearance more "eye pleasing" along with some original content. Another site that sort of does this is

    From doing a lot of random internet research it seems like the best way for me to accomplish this is via PHP. I found this site that was helpful (to a point) in introducing me to the possibilities of this. 'Option 3' seemed to make the most sense to me, however it still left a lot of questions of mine unanswered.

    What I'm wondering is this:
    - Is PHP the best way for me to make this site?
    - Are there any specific tutorials/sites that would be a good resource for me?

    I have a background in web design and multimedia with basic HTML as my only real coding background (aside from Action Scripting).

    Thanks so much again for any help you're able to give, and sorry this was so long!

    Cheers, Derek

    (X-Posted in WebDev)


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