Quotes - Single or Double

    Date: 03/04/05 (PHP Community)    Keywords: php

    Just starting to switch over from Cold Fusion development to PHP development. I have a question about the apparent switchability between single (') abd double (") quotes. For instance, the following seem to be analagous:

    $str = 'string';
    $str = "string";

    Same with:

    $x = some_function('string');
    $x = some_function("string");

    But the following are not equal:

    $string = explode('\t', $string);
    $string = explode("\t", $string);

    Can anyone explain to me the differences between double and single quotes in PHP? When to use one and not the other? Still not sure what the real difference is between those two explode statements.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/php/269499.html

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