INI handling functions... They were nonexistent as far as I knew...

    Date: 10/11/05 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql, web

    This has irked me for some time: The lack of INI handlers in PHP.

    I was moving my website around from host to host, until I settled, and needed a universal standard that I could write on and rely on that would work anywhere as I really wouldn't have a MySQL database everywhere I went. So I wrote this up after not finding a shred of a command for userlevel INI file handling. INI.Lib (Last Built Oct. 3rd, 2004)

    I hope some other people can make some use out of it as well I was able to. If you see any major errors or when you use it you can't for the life of you get past a certain bug, let me know and I will see if this one is any real difference from my current build (Apr. 3rd 2005). I may have just patched up a few commands here and there with my build that I caught in the original code and done a few optimizations. If anyone wants the current build, go ahead and drop me a line to cynagen at cynagen dot com, and I'll be more than happy to send you a copy of the current copy on my server; if enough of you report problems, I'll just repackage my current build and post that instead.

    (X-Posted on October 10th 19:54)


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