
it gives me the following error when i view the page:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in getTransfer.php on line 82

Line 82 is my last lineof the page which is just closing the html tag. i've tried alsorts of combinations, from having ''s in $rows['a1'] to putting a ; in echo 'on loan'; and i just can't fathom it :( anyone able to put me out of my misery? pwetty please? :)

Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php_dev/64592.html

    code help

    Date: 02/04/06 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php, html

    hi everyone,

    i was hoping someone could point out an error for me in my line of code below:

    print "

$rows[a1]; if (trim($rows[a1loan]) != 0 ) {echo 'on loan'} $rows[b1]
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