
    Date: 02/09/06 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, browser, sql, apache

    Hi all, I recently landed a new job. The people that work there use Eclipse. I have been playing around with it to try and get a feel for it before I start next week and I am running into a couple of problems. I was hoping one of you would not mind giving me some pointers.

    I have:

    Eclipse Version: 3.1.2
    XAMPP very 2.1

    I installed Eclipse into the XAMPP directory as instructed.

    To my understanding XAMPP will run Apache, MySql, PHP and PERL when the computer starts as I think I set them up as services.

    I wrote a little test program using a set of functions that I have been using for a while now. The test program includes a config file that has the full include list in it. For some reason none of my files are being included. I do a require instead of an include, it does not fail but the functions are still not available. I can see the files are the in Eclipse's browser so I am not sure why they are not being found.

    There are buttons in Eclipse for starting and stopping XAMPP. These seem to have no effect on XAMPP at all.

    Any clues suggestions would be helpful. I have looked on the net all day but have not found anything I can really seem to understand. I have read the help files for Eclipse but they only pertain to Eclipse itself and not the add ons.

    cross posted*



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