Date: 02/10/06
(PHP Development) Keywords: php, hosting
I'm working on a little something to upload and share files with a friend.
I've hit a road block.
I'd like the file limit to be 15 megs, in order to do this I need to change
upload_max_filesize in the php.ini file.
I am on shared hosting and so I will use ini_set(upload_max_filesize,"15M")
[see http://us3.php.net/ini_set]
It does not work.
I've done ini_set(upload_max_filesize,15728640) as well.
my code that shows it not working:
echo "$inicheck";
It always echos the default 2M.
This is a major roadblock and I'd really appreciate any help!
If I need to clarify, I will :)
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php_dev/65248.html