monitor turns off at inappropriate times... how stop?

    Date: 01/08/07 (Software)    Keywords: no keywords

    wI'm using QuickTime Pro to play movies on my XP computer. The monitor turns off after 10 minutes, and QT being in use seems to not stopping it from triggering anymore. I like of course to leave this Power setting on the way it has always operated. I just don't know what keeps the system awake. I thought it might be something running silently in the task bar, like Skype or MSN or utorrent, any one thing that keeps it from triggering. But it's turning off now and nothing's changed that I can think of. Ideas what I can run, or a setting hidden inside QT, that doesn't disrupt my hour-movies?

    I need ideas. This wasn't a problem before. It's just suddenly started turning off monitor mid-video. How very disruptive to entertainment.


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