Updating OS to XP

    Date: 01/08/07 (Software)    Keywords: no keywords

    Rigth then folks I have a question....

    I've just got Windows XP (home Edition sp2) & a new SATA150 HD

    I've installed it on my Asus P4C800 Mother board & P4 (3.0Ghz, 800FSB), 1 Gig Memory

    When i boot up with the WindowsXP CD in the CD drive to install it on the new drive it just gets stuck on blue screen and the words Windows in the top left corner

    My question is this? my PC too old to install Windows XP?

    Surely it would say this PC is too old or something not just stick on that screen wouldnt it?

    ~ B ~

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/software/70206.html

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