2nd Anniversary of Vanilin MIDI Keyboard

    Date: 03/23/07 (Software)    Keywords: software, html

    Vanilin MIDI Keyboard celebrates it's 2nd anniversary!
    The program I wrote has several advantages over many other virtual keyboards.

    Vanilin MIDI Keyboard intercepts all keystrokes on your
    computer, so it can be played in minimized state.

    + play it in any window
    + pedal key (CTRL or SHIFT)
    + resizable
    + skinnable

    + customizable keyboard layout
    + vertical keyboard mode
    + zoom in and zoom out
    + can minimize to tray
    + can be disabled

    Note: as with other virtual MIDI keyboards, you need to
    install a driver like Hubi's Loopback or MIDI Yoke in
    order to connect this program to your sequencer.

    MIDI Yoke driver for Windows NT4, 2000, XP (43 KB):
    Pictorial description of how to install MIDI Yoke
    under Windows XP Home Edition:

    You can download Vanilin MIDI Keyboard (348 KB) here:

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/software/71252.html

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