lose reinstalling?

    Date: 03/31/07 (Software)    Keywords: hosting

    As I prepare to reincarnate my computer this weekend, I go through the ritual of preperations. Hunting for largest folders, preperaring to do my first ghosting of just the C:\. I've got 3 years of crap I intend to lastly sift through tomorrow. Can you guys make sure I've sorted all data wheat from the applications chafe? You know, the standard ethos of proper backup. That stuff about seperating into two partitions, one is called C:\ and it houses Windows and Programs, and the other is home to irreplaceable precious loved data.

    • Question: What irreplacable data is hidden in the registry... I should look for some specific keys. I can't back up that whole mess (~75MB) because That's the whole point, to clear out 3 years of registry crap without the knowledge of a precise computer surgeon.

    Let me tell what I've done.

    • I've backed iTunes ratings (extension: itl).
    • I've backed Outlook Express e-mails (moved extensions: dbx to safe place).
    • I've backed Address book (as extension: iaf).
    • I've backed Firefox's well everything I can with (as extension: pcv with MozBackup).
    • I've backed My Documents, My Music, and My Picutres (moved to another partition with TweakUI). I fastidiously kept all personally crafted data I know of in those places.
    • I've listed all those little neat programs whose names I will forget.

    • I don't care about Internet Explorer Favorites, they can go to hell.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/software/71619.html

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