Greymatter categories?

    Date: 04/10/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: blogging, web

    Question, because it isn't totally obvious on the Greymatter website. Can I organize entries not by date, but in categories? I am working on a recipe site, and the user needs a content management system that is easy to use and update. I immediately through of Greymatter. However, she also needs to be able to put the recipes in sections (ie, entrees, desserts, appetizers). Is this possible with Greymatter (before I go in and try to make it happen)? If not, is there a good mod to do this with?

    Are there any other free, open-source blogging systems that can achieve this result while still being 100% customisable and integratable that I do not know of?

    Thanks for any help you can provide!


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