Improving myself

    Date: 05/04/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, css, html, sql, web

    I was wondering if I could get some advice on how to increase my skills as a web programmer and become more marketable. I know HTML backward and forwards, know quite a bit of PHP (especially in conjuction with MySQL) and CSS. I recently bought one of Eric Myer's books on CSS. It gave me ideas for layouts and such but didn't really expand my knowledge much. I also have a Sams 21 days book on .Net for a VB programmer (which I used to be till I didn't have access to Visual Studio). I thought about learning .Net but .Net requires the Visual Studio IDE and a server with .Net support, neither of which I have. What next? Should I go with AJAX maybe ? Also, I am a programmer, not a designer and would like to improve the artisitc side so my sites don't look as bad as they do now. Is there a list of topics every web developer should know before moving to other topics? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    If you would like to look at my site, it is here


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