Passing MS SQL Sproc result into a variable

    Date: 06/26/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: no keywords

    I am returning a certian value from my stored procedure
    and i need to get this value from the stored procedure
    to into a variable for use in a if statement. Code is below.

    -- sproc calls the last stock take count
    EXEC @last_stk = sp_get_last_archived_stock @location_id, @product_code

    -- if the stock take is null set the salesorder number to
    -- The maximum stock count minus the current stock take value
    -- or else take current stock take from last stock take to
    -- find out how many to invoice.
    IF @last_stk IS NULL OR @last_stk = ''
    SET @salesorder = @max_stk - @curr_stock
    SET @salesorder = @last_stk - @curr_stock


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