Date: 06/26/06
(Web Development) Keywords: php, mysql, css, html, sql, java
Thanks to everyone who responded to my last post here - there really is nothing better than hearing someone talk about something they're enthusiastic about :)
Now I have another question for you. A small company would like me to do some work for them. It's a new feature to their intranet, requiring experienced knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL - very much a skilled task. I need to come up with a proposal for it, which means I need some idea of what to charge.
I'm going to suggest a fixed amount, and I've worked out how many hours it's likely to take me, but I need some idea of an hourly rate. I don't want to devalue my services, but I don't want to overcharge them either. So my question: for a job requiring those skills, what sort of hourly rate would you charge for something like this?