Shopping Site

    Date: 08/01/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: web, yahoo, shopping

    Hey guys,

    I'm building a shopping site for a small business that wants a marketplace (shopping cart, credit card payments, etc) integrated with its inventory system. The site needs to have order processing, shipping tools, and inventory management features. Kind of like on a micro scale.

    I found a couple of companies that offer solutions to web developers with this focus. Yahoo Small Business ( looks pretty convenient. It uses step-by-step guides to walk the new users through the sign up process and there are other visual tools to compare their services. I also checked out Paypal's site but found that site to be incredibly complicated, especially after seeing Yahoo's site.

    All things being equal, I'm leaning towards using Yahoo when I'm setting up the shopping site. But I just thought I'd come here and ask if you know of any other companies out there that you found easy to work with and would recommend.



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