Email/join form spam

    Date: 08/02/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, web, spam

    I'm working on one of my linkware scripts, a part of which allows people to join (it's a script for fanlistings, if you're aware of those). Of course, spammers have found their way to it, so I'm trying to make it as spam-proof as possible. I've been doing it the "usual" way—checking for fake email, bad strings, stripping tags and trimming et al, but it doesn't seem to be working as well as I'd like; there are still those who end up in the approval queue. :p I'd like to limit this, obviously. Are are any other ways? I don't want to use captchas or otherwise making the visitor who wants to join add more fields than necessary :/

    I put up the source over somewhere ( where you guys could see it, and if anyone would be willing to give it a look and all, I would appreciate that immensely. Thanks!

    Crossposted: '[info]'php, '[info]'webdev, '[info]'developers


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