hi, i'm new + questions

    Date: 03/11/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: programming, asp, web, hosting

    Been LJing for several years now and with my web design aspirations increasing, I figured I'd look for some good Web Design related LJ communities to join.

    I attempted a CompSci BS degree at the University of N. Florida, which didn't work out well and I left basicly hating programming. "Just because you're good with computers doesn't mean you should be a CS major" was the lesson learned.

    What I have interest in is web design. I've been maintaining a homepage for many years (and am working on a bit of redesign to it lately) - http://www.geocities.com/JL_Stinger/ if you're interested, though I don't consider it terribly impressive. Quite frankly, if I had to do it all over again, I would've gone for a web design program of study in the first place, but that's a long story...

    Can anyone recommend anywhere good in Florida, or failing that the southeastern US, for a web design degree? There seem to be very few places that offer them, and practically none that offer a BS degree in it. If I was doing it all over again, I'd probably go to the Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale (or Atlanta or wherever), but that's just too much cost right now.

    For that matter, how important is a degree in the web design field, especially a AS vs BS? Do most places only offer a AS because that's all you really need or what?

    Can anyone recommend a good free hosting site? GeoCities isn't what it used to be, but I don't know any better place to move my site without paying money (which I'll do eventually, but not yet).

    Any particular advice anyone cares to share with someone trying to really get into the web design field?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/179768.html

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