Dreamweaver setup/work arounds

    Date: 08/16/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: html, hosting, apache

    This is how I have my apache setup for virtual hosting on a win32 box.


    d:/httpRoot/lc.clientSite.com/public_html/ being the actual http doc root.

    is there a way I can tell dreamweaver my doc root is
    d:/httpRoot/lc.clientSite.com/ while still being able to press F12 and get http://lc.clientSite.com/ instead of http://lc.clientSite.com/public_html/ which translates out to d:/httpRoot/lc.clientSite.com/public_html/public_html/ which is wrong.

    The reason I want to see below the root is so I can stay in Dreamweaver and be able to edit the secureScripts dir and read my log entries.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/346156.html

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