Style Sheet Switcher - Opera Bug?

    Date: 08/29/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: html, java

    A while ago I got some great help while working on building my own style sheet switcher (which is mostly ripped off of this one from ALA). I was happily setting up multiple designs on old pages when I realized that it wasn't working in Opera. Any idea what's going on?

    style sheet 1
    style sheet 2

    Some notes: the first paragraph and the first two text links are generated via Javascript. I added the last two text links on the odd chance that Javascript-generated content was part of the problem, but so far I haven't noticed anything different. In my final design the goal was to have the Javascript create all style sheet switching content so that users who have Javascript turned off won't see a bunch of non-functioning links. It's also a goal of mine to leave the style sheets as main/alternate style sheets so that those same users can still switch style sheets according to W3C guidelines. Any help is greatly appreciated!


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