Web host searching

    Date: 08/29/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, software, database, sql, linux, hosting

    I see that this forum recommends Dreamhost. How long have you been using it? Are they located in the U.S.? I don't know if the latter is necessary, but I guess if a host goes down and loses everyone's files, there could be a group law suit with some recovery. I don't know what to worry about the most, but I did go with a service once that suddenly disappeared. Luckily I had a techie who found the files still available somewhere and transferred them to another server for me.

    I'm not a "techie". I'm also not a "designer" so if you check out my sites, please be kind on the critique of their appearance (search engine optimization and user-friendly access is my biggest concern).

    I'm presently using a really cheap hosting service for one of my sites, 3ix. My son has used it for 2 yrs. with no problem. Has anyone here used them?

    I have a site I need to move over to a server with Linux, MySQL, lots of database space available, lots of free software available, including PHP. 3ix offers a lot of software. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/350691.html

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