Testing, testing...

    Date: 11/01/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: html, web

    I'm looking for an idea to test a site on the cheap--namely without using the expensive testing suites like Mercury or IBM. Maybe if I describe you what I'm supposed to be able to do, you can give me some ideas about how I can go about doing that.

    There is a site with 100s of pages in it. I have a word document that I need to check, and verify against this site, and it contains all the word content of the site. The only issue is the word document is not written in a "machine readable" format. It's not tagged, it's not categorized consistently. It's very clear for a human who reads it to get a sense of what page it's referring to, but for a machine it would be pretty difficult to figure that out.

    I thought that maybe I can write a script to somehow scope through the contents of the word document (or a "saved as html" document...) and compare it against the pages in the site automatically, in a zip. But that could take time and I'm not really sure I have a good idea of how to go about that. (Maybe use regular expressions and cook up something that slurps up from one and then the other file, and compares them side by side--something of that sort?? But how to do that is the real adventure.)

    As I'm so unclear about this now, I thought I'd ask you, great people, if you have found any solutions that might be useful to automatically slurp and test a website as I described.

    Any ideas and suggestions, as long as they are about testing, would also be helpful.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/366779.html

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