w2box or something like it

    Date: 11/10/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: html, web, linux, apache

    I created a script a while ago that allowed users to upload files to a folder and then update the html page to show the new file and the description given via a form. The users now want to be able to delete items that they uploaded. Naturally this is months after I worked on the script and they want it done today (dammit).
    I found a rather nice tool in w2box:
    except I can not get it to work on my server for some reason. Has anyone worked with it? The creators have not responded to my ask for help yet. Is there another script out on the interwebs that allows for file upload, deletion and downloading that is easy to deal with on a Linux/Apache server?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/368139.html

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