One-Way Links?

    Date: 11/11/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: web, hosting, yahoo, google

    Thanks to everyone who responded to my previous guys are definately a great source of information!

    I'm wondering what everyone thinks about the power of one-way links to your webpage. For example, getting links into smaller engines and directories like DMOZ, JoeAnt, Scrub the Web etc. I know a lot of people don't necessarily use them to search anymore but I have heard that having a lot of those sites linking to your site can help improve your rankings in the organic portion of Google and Yahoo! Can anyone let me know how accurate this is?

    Also, this is slightly off-topic, but I'm looking for suggestions for FREE photo hosting sites. I use Photobucket but I need to compile a list of user-friendly ones to give to people who are using this website and want to host photos for things like the message board. Can anyone give me some suggestions?



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