Freeware/Open-Source HTML editor?

    Date: 03/20/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: html, web

    I remember once using an HTML editor that had a very handy feature - it would automatically indent or outdent lines based on the HTML being used.

    For instance, if you typed

    and hit the Enter key, it would auto-indent the next line. Then, when you were done typing a paragraph, went to the next line, and typed

    , it would auto-outdent the line to be aligned with the opening paragraph tag.

    I believe this same text editor I was using allowed collapsing and expanding blocks of code (e.g. everything between paragraph or DIV tags). I figured out that UltraEdit-32 v.11+ has this feature, but I can't find the auto indent/outdent feature anywhere.

    I've looked at UltraEdit-32 v.10, CoffeeCup HTML Free, PSPad, NotePad++, EditPad Lite, TextPad, and even Dreamweaver MX 2004's code view (blech). I'm having no luck anywhere.

    Does anyone here know what I'm talking about? Do you know of a text editor that has this feature? Am I just insane? Is my memory slipping?

    Thanks in advance for the help!

    (x-posted between '[info]'webdev and '[info]'webdesign)


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