Open Source or cheap timeline generator

    Date: 03/22/07 (Web Development)    Keywords: html, web, google

    Hi, I'm trying to add a dynamic timeline to my website temp location:

    Basically I'm looking for something that would automatically sort events based on time allow me to color code, and preferably put in graphics, and spit out html code.

    Sure I could code something myself but it would be a pain to put events in sequence and such... and I'm just not that patient.

    Since this is a timeline for a video game/animation series, events are subject to change as Sega deems fit and it would be too hard to keep up with a scratch built webpage. I've been trying to google something up, but havn't found anything good yet. If someone can help that would be great.

    Money is a big issue here, so something open source or free would be good. Or something cheap, less then 100 USD.


« Freeware/Open-Source HTML... || 2 different link styles???? »

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