Dreamweaver help.

    Date: 05/01/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: html, web

    Ok, so I'm redoing my current website, for several reasons. 1) I hate the way it looks now. 2) It's done completely with Word 2000. (Ick.)
    I don't know that much html, and learning it from scratch is too time-consuming because I'm terribly busy with a toddler. I have Dreamweaver, but haven't learned to use it yet. I'm a WYSIWYG kinda gal, and some people have recommended using Frontpage, but some other people yelled at me for even considering it. At this point, after 2 hours of fighting with it, learning Dreamweaver on my own has proven to be impossible. I can't make heads nor tails of any of it, I've tried the tutorials and the help files, and it's all so confusing and frustrating that I'm ready to just throw my laptop across the room in a fit of rage.

    My question is this: Is there anyone who would be willing to talk me through creating one simple page (background, images, text, and uploading to my webhost) step by step with Dreamweaver? I just need a jumpstart in layman's terms to get me going. I catch on very quickly to things, and I take excellent notes, so getting me started on the right track shouldn't be too difficult.
    Can anyone assist me?
    Thanks in advance.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/193729.html

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