WordPress + EzStatic + MicroWiki = frustration!

    Date: 05/20/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, software, html

    Thanks for all your comments and suggestions when I asked for recommendations for blog software.

    So I installed WordPress 1.5.1 yesterday and today I've been trying to install MicroWiki. I'm stumped by the EzStatic install/config and/or the MicroWiki install/config. I've followed the instructions but I just can't get in to MicroWiki.

    Here are the links: [homepage for the WP blog] [where I'd expect to find the wiki]

    I've installed EzStatic as per the instructions: ezstatic.php resides in ~blog/wp-content/plugins ("blog" isn't really it's a user - I'm just using that as shorthand for the top-level directory of the WP installation). I haven't messed around with the Advanced Configuration section as I don't really know PHP.

    "If EzStatic is activated on your server, but your static content doesn't appear, it could be the result of several issues: First, be doubly sure that EzStatic is activated on your WordPress Plugins tab. It doesn't work if it's not turned on." I've been installing a few plugins today, but I've double checked that EzStatic is active.

    "Second, view the source of a page that should contain EzStatic content. If EzStatic is truly active, then somewhere in the HTML source you should see a message. Search the source for "EzStatic"." This is where it gets confusing ... http://www.henman.name/blog/wp-content/wiki/index.php is empty, and yet I can see the source PHP file OK. I can also browse to the .GIF and .TXT files in that same directory.

    So what's up with the Wiki's PHP file? Or is it EzSetup? Or something else??

    p.s. The blog only contains a couple of dummy entries (copied from my LJ) so I can trash it if I absolutely have to ... although I hope/suspect that won't be necessary.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/202350.html

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