CSS help plz
Date: 07/13/05
(Web Development) Keywords: php, browser, css, database, web
This is driving me crazy. Any help would be much, much appreciated.
I'm redoing the site template for this intranet website I'm designing - the Dreamweaver template I'd made using tables is completely, inexplicably fubar on certain pages of the site. I got sick of messing with it and told my boss I was going to make an all-new, CSS-based layout, and that was that. He agreed to let me do so.
Everything's been going fine...I've been doing my primary testing in FireFox, but I've been doing testing in IE6 (mostly because that's what almost everyone in this department is likely to use), as well as minimal viewing in Opera 8 and Netscape 7.
Suddenly, things broke. Now I have part of the content text repeated below my footer text. See link here:
I've discovered that if I remove the "float: left" property of the lefthand area of the site in my CSS, it fixes it. However (of course), removing that element completely throws the site layout out of whack. I'm about to do absolute positioning of all the elements and throw this template out the window.
I beseech you, please, please help me.
Oh, and while I'm at it...I want the gray lefthand column to extend to the bottom of the browser window, regardless of the length of the content. In all browsers, setting the "length" property to "100%" makes it too long, because there's stuff ABOVE that navigation bar. Any ideas?
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Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/webdev/219531.html