Date: 07/29/05 (Web Development) Keywords: no keywords I am working on a site which originally had navigation that was name of sitecategory name. I conviniced them to allow us to change it to just category name while still keep the site name next to the category name on the thumbnail page. Now the site has been redesigned and they "just noticed we changed it on them", when in fact we cleared it through them and I have the emails to support that and that the current site has been this way for months. They are somewhat difficult and are the I just want it that way even if you think it doesn't make sense because I'm the client and you have to do what I say!. Anyhow before this turns into a rant is there an article or reference out that that would support not repeating the site name in every navigation link? I've found plenty against using abstract or cutesy labels. This is just to back up my point to the other people involved here with this account as it is little use sending something like this on to this client.
Also on the item detail pages the site had a previous and next icon showing a small thumbnail of those items along with arrows indication direction. In the new concept, which I thought they approved I showed two more items both ahead and back.
I thought this was a novel concept though not as clear what was "previous" and "next" though my thought was to show more items in a browsing type thing so people might say hey what's that let me check it out. That really navigating to the next item had no real signifigance to the primary users as the items were not arranged in any particular order and people wouldn't know oh the next item after the t-shirt is the baseball cap. The visual concept behind this is that you're looking at all the items as if they're on a carosel and by clicking on a item it rotates the wheel. I realize this isn't perfect but I thought with some constructive feedback it could develop into a good extra feature for the site. Anyhow the client has completely nixed the idea only wanting the text previous and next with NO images. Hmm someone comes up with a way to refresh something and lets take two steps backwards instead of giving the new idea a chance. Anyhow it's something I would like to investigate just for my own knwoledge and possible use on other sites such as a photography gallery site I manage and a real estate listing site I am beginning to develop.