weird question...

    Date: 10/10/05 (Web Development)    Keywords: no keywords

    i have a client who i'm doing a site for and other design services. he wants me to do some excel sheets that link together. i heard excel is easy, just never used it before. anyone have any ideas on how to do what's listed below? if it's too complicated to explan, i will glady pay someone to do this once i have his logos finished. Thanks! (also posted in a business community)

    "The expense report template is basically three Excel files linked together with my logos and address. The first is a cover sheet that summarizes my hours by project and extends them out to a fee plus expenses. It needs to have an address (this is an old address) and have the logo on it and also needs my tax ID number (I will give that to you this is an old invoice). The second excel sheet is a summary of my expenses by date. The third Excel spreadsheet is the backbone for this (it doesn’t exist now, I do it manually out of a date book) and should allow me to end the Project name, hours and expenses by date and it will pull it all together on these summary sheets."


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