Web Developing Software

    Date: 03/28/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: html, web


    I'm new here, but not quite new to web design. I had my own site that I built from pure html, but unfortunately my ex discovered my password and destroyed it. I don't really want to spend another 6 months typing out all the coding for another site, so I was wondering about programs I could use for it.

    I bought FrontPage, but I'm finding it more difficult to figure out than just writing it myself. I was looking at Adobe GoLive CS2, but I really don't want to drop that kind of money on something if it's going to be as non-user friendly as FrontPage. Any opinions on GoLive or suggestions on another program that might be easy to use?

    I put up a very unimpressive attempt at a homepage with FrontPage http://www.cosplaycassie.com This is the basic layout that I'm going for, but I'd like the main text box to scroll while everything else stays put. If I could manage something a bit more fancy using a different program, that'd be great. Thanks for your advice!


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/310427.html

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