Going rate for Perl scripting?

    Date: 03/28/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: web

    I've been offered a contract job with the company I used to webmaster for to upgrade some old Perl scripts they use offline to upload new files, index articles, and other similar tasks. They are all fairly simple and shouldn't take longer than a few hours to work on. I've never worked on a contract basis, however, and have no idea what price to quote them. I'm not a professional by any stretch of the imagination, but I know enough to help them. Can anyone here advise me on what the "going rate" for such work might be? Should I charge a flat fee, or per hour, or both (i.e. perhaps a base fee plus an hourly fee)? I really have no idea.

    What about if they need other types of work done? I can also do some server-side, CGI, and DBI Perl. I honestly don't know what they need yet; the request wasn't that informative. These jobs would obviously be a little more complicated and would take more time. Should I charge the same rate as for the offline stuff?

    I hope someone here can help me.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/webdev/310187.html

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