Another one of those hosting questions...

    Date: 04/03/06 (Web Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, database, asp, sql, linux, hosting

    OK, so I know this is a weekly occurance here, but I want to ask for some suggegtions/advice on hosting companies. I have very specific needs:

    I need a host that:
    1) Is reliable and has good, quick customer service
    2) Supports PhP on a windows server - I need to run ASP and PhP
    3) Provides at least one SQL Server not mySQL) Database if not more
    4) Lets me run my own mail server (not sure if this is done through hosting or domain registration)
    5) Preferably lets me add sub-domains for little to no extra cash

    Right now I have Enterhost and they are awful (don't support PHP, charge out the ass, their logs don't work, you can't have sub-domains or dedicated IP's and every time I ask them for something they say no). I'm looking at maybe HostExcellence? I need something with practically no downtime, as it is for a money-making site.

    On the same subject, is it possible to move files over to the new host and access it through only the IP address before switching my domain name servers? I want to get everything moved and tested on the new server and make sure all the DB calls work before it goes live. Not sure if I could do that without hostin a second, 'testing only' domain temporarily, as I've never done a large-scale transfer like this.

    Any advice (besides 'Just switch to a Linux server') is helpful.


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